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Joint Plannning Session PT Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri With AWS

EVENTS Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Joint Plannning Session PT Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri With AWS

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, mypassword held a Joint Planning Session (JPS) with PT Eigerindo Multi Products Industry and Amazon Web Services (AWS) with the main theme "How to Build a Secure, Efficient Cloud". This event is organized with the intention and purpose of finding the best solutions, technologies, and services that best suit the business challenges faced by PT Eigerindo Multi Products Industry. In addition, of course, the hope of the arrangement of this event is to present a continuous collaboration between myPassword, Eiger, and AWS to jointly build business innovation for joint progress.

The event was opened with a welcome by Mama Novita Devi as Business Manager at PT Password Solutions System, Father Firman Manurung as ICT General Manager at PT Eigerindo Multi Products Industry, and Father Vincent Kurnia Limanto as Manager, Emerging Enterprise and SMB at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

AWS Analytics Retail analytics at AWS means a cloud-based solution that helps retailers turn data into insights and drive business outcomes. This, along with explaining related key drivers of the retail business for the company, include determining the right product, price, and location, then increasing the value of the customer’s life, making the cost easier to increase margins, and being innovative. Of course, in this case, it is said that it is important as companies are currently driven by data. An organization or company that uses data as an asset to drive sustainable innovation and create insights to enhance the experience for customers.

So from that modern data strategy on AWS comes the foundation for success by modernizing, combining, and innovating your way toward modern data strategies. With that, AWS offers solutions to the Eiger in this event. These solutions include modern data strategies, integrated data infrastructure, and AI and ML capabilities that allow retailers to increase customer lifetime value.

Of course, we also set priorities for implementing an IT solution for the company, including customer engagement, corporate merchandising and planning, physical, digital, and virtual stores, supply chain and distribution, advanced retail data science, and core retail business applications.

Firman said, retail analytics solutions in AWS can help retailers face challenges such as tough competition, changing consumer behavior, and the complexity of data management. "With retail analytics solutions in AWS, retailers can leverage data as a strategic asset to improve business performance and customer satisfaction."

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